***Dedicated to my brother and sister in law
in celebration of their love and marriage
December 16, 2006***
Is there springtime in autumn
For those with a song
Waiting for words in just the right key,
Can there be a hint of a promise
Wrapped in a gift extraordinary,
Unlike any other
One of a kind
A once in a lifetime surprise,
Yet, not really a surprise as you've spent your life seeking
For just the right moment and season,
This gift now awaits
The unveiling,
Contents inside just for two...
It’s not the numbers alone
Or the container that holds
This gift,
Not seen with human eyes
Yet it exists,
There on the landscape of your soul,
And can only be opened and recognized
When approached at the exact second It was meant to be shared,
There it waits patiently
Just out of view,
Although its presence is felt
Unmistakably so,
When two hearts find their way
Without questions or doubt
With the knowledge that this love
Is unlike any other,
How could anything compare to this soul harmony?
Therein is the secret
To open this gift,
This gift of forever
To be,
Our love ~ eternally …