Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Utopia Waits

How I long to catch a glimpse of the first blush
of daybreak, and watch the sunbeams
dance all around your sexy face,
As you lay there lambent from our enchanted journey
through the Solar System where we did play,
Sailing through the Milky Way
Delirious in each other, laughing on the moon
sliding through shimmering rings of Saturn
while rolling in ecstasy's embrace,
Where we found our Venus and touched the wonder, profound ...

The very one we've been so desperately seeking
since the beginning of all that is now,
What esoteric showers we did experience
as you torched your soul with mine,
Uncharted regions beckoned our soul steps
and together we did find the orphic unveiling,
That elusive elixir of the mystical realm
Forever seared upon the window of our minds,
To serve as a glittering pharos to our beholden core
in that great hall of remembrance, with this erudition
Utopia waits for us, just beyond the promised land ...

by: ajs

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