Friday, September 12, 2008

A Waking Dream

the more time I spend with you
the more I want to
dangerously close, I know
a tender soul, you came to me
so patiently.
your heart, a gift

silver key of hope
is what I see,
dare I accept
and walk into,
a waking dream
this intrigue …



Anonymous said...

Posted by: jgh
For me the piece was fleetingly short, which bummed me out, although
it works well with the title (great choice!) as most dreams we have we
only remember small pieces of.

I enjoyed this, well done.

Anonymous said...

Posted by: colinlee
An early moorning poem, short and rather sweet

Paradisefor2 said...

thank you

Anonymous said...

Posted by: hellfire
what a maze we find ourselves in sometimes.
I had a flash of a moth circling a flame.don,t know why.I think it is
only when we allow ourselves to be vulnerable and brave at the same
time do we fully appreciate the beauty in love,s,ve left me
lots to think about.well done



Anonymous said...

Posted by: Antonym
To me, it was almost about being swept along by somebody you admire a
lot - or even desire a lot - and it was very thoughtful.

Paradisefor2 said...

Thank you, hellfire...

When someone new comes into your realm with all the sweetness and
tenderness there, everything is all brand new again!

Such an awesome wonder!

Yet, for those of us who have had our hearts smashed and ripped to
shreds, we move forward with curious optimism...

Wanting more yet cautious, you know what I mean?

Thank you again for your time and most insightful comments.

alisa ;-)

Paradisefor2 said...

Thank you, A

Yes, you are correct...

The feeling is mutual.

Thank you for your time.

alisa -0

Anonymous said...

Posted by Gabriel Ricard on 09/13/08 at 07:23 AM
You might be missing a word in line one or two. Otherwise, beautiful.

Paradisefor2 said...

thank you, Gabriel...

Paradisefor2 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Posted by Charlie Morgan on 09/13/08 at 10:13 AM
...don't know when you penned this one but it seems a 'stonger-yet wondering?' question to the Everyman him and yet there's a strengh in the wonderment...should i go? should not?...the woman perspective seem bolder in this one, definintely a likable strong woman too...should you?...mmmmmmaybe, life is a one-ride per person, annnd one turn. stout lil' two stanzas

Paradisefor2 said...

Thank you, Charlie....

alisa ;-)

Paterika Hengreaves said...

This poem is so true. It has deep emotions and life in it. It speaks to my heart right now as I read it at 5:00 AM.

Thank you my friend

Paradisefor2 said...

Thank you, Pat.. I have missed you.. sending you (((( hugs ))) across land and sea...;-)