Something within you touches me in ways I have only imagined
You have slipped into my dream somehow
The one I lost, yet now each moment shared with you
Time falls away inside,
I never want to leave this place
This world of you and I ...
Never thought I'd laugh again
Or feel your love inside,
I want you for all eternity, right by my side
To know this wonder of the promise seen
Within your eyes,
When you slipped into my life ...
by: alisajs
touching words sweetheart filled with the feel of newly formed love..and all the promises associated with it...sounds like the last line could read..."when you slipped into my life"...smile..well done ..Luv Lance:):)
...lance w toohey
Beautifully Written!!! Love truly does reawaken all the senses.. Puts one in a place of euphoria.. and when love is true the rebirth of 2 souls enlighten us to our destiny.. So Wonderfully put my friend!!
This is very pretty poem1
I think I know who it might be for!
He will love it!
I do too!
Thanks for sharing with us in Michigan!
You are so nice to do that!
Love#Andria! * * * * * *
a very touching piece alisa. warm, intimate and sensuous. i have always thought the best part about being in love was the fall. if only we could keep that level of passion and desire. reading your work gives me pause to consider. well done friend.
... jdmaloy
You know how i feel abot this!
Nothing more can be said!
Ind you are way to nice!
And that is something!
We go way back!
And you know the best part?
You never gave up!
I love that!
Love ~ denny!
To only be reawakened...sign me up for the next reawakening please! Tender and honest wording...not too flashy, so it reads as heartfelt...great job!
Very sentimental words here. Good flow and imagery to shpw this picture. I like the way you say he's slipped into your dream- like it was a coincidental event.
So much positive engery can be felt resonating from each word you've penned. Isn't it a beautiful feeling to have something that was once asleep to be awakened once again? your words take us the reader(s) on such a magnificent journey inside the heart and soul yearning something precious and beautiful. thanks for sharing. Love David
I feel that the key to this one lies in the very last line. It is aptly put that he 'slipped into ' your life...isn't that how it is meant to be? They enter unnoticed and they all of a sudden, boom....we are in love....beautiful my sister, Rene'
...the promise seen within your eyes...that's the phrase that says it all. the eyes don't lie if you can read them. you can see behind ficticious eyes, can you not? tightly stitched piece of work my dear. t
a slippin t a comfortable place
a fittin int place
slippin int life
slippin cross the floor
slippin inta vision
slippin on
like a shirt
the perfect fit
... tsvi akiva
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