Sunday, October 05, 2008


it was in the aftermath
careful words with careful tips and
anything else of no consequence,
a life lived in compromise
for all the right reasons
does it matter as much as the one lived for self?
does wisdom factor a twit
or is the savagely selfish the first to benefit
to hell with the rest,
good intentions don't count
only fools live by those outdated ideals
ask me,
I know.
and I'm beginning to think there's really no difference
selfish is what's needed to get ahead
and that's what life is all about, anyway, obviously
me first
you wait.
I pondered these musings on my drive back to wherever
ran through the arguments for and against,
with me, it was never about money
it was always for love,
call me a fool
because I think that way,
and will choose to do so
till my dying day ...



Anonymous said...

Posted by Alison McKenzie on 10/06/08 at 10:09 AM
I was relieved by the last lines. I read your last poem about money vs. love as well, and I was with you every step of the way. No matter how angry or jilted or bitter or injured, I can't seem to muster what it takes to find selfish/vengeful comforting in any measure. And I'm glad to see you couldn't, either.

Paradisefor2 said...

Thank you, Alison...

Anonymous said...

Posted by George Hoerner on 10/06/08 at 12:09 PM
I guess there are benefits to both attitudes Alisa. But your reward is being true to yourself. Like those burned on the crosses throughout history who refused to repent or denounce the truth they saw.

Paradisefor2 said...

Thank you George for your time. I do appreciate your comments...alisa

Anonymous said...

Posted by Melanie Arnold on 10/06/08 at 05:51 PM
Yes, I agree with what has already been said....and I might add, I admire you in the conclusion you came to....great poem,Alisa

Paradisefor2 said...

Thank you, kind one..