Saturday, June 16, 2007

True Love

how could I stand here and offer you happiness
when true contentment comes from within,
if you're looking for others to fill you
complete you,
make everything right
then you've come to the wrong place,
as no way can I do that ...

what I can give is my heart's smile
flaming by yours,
and together we'll dance and enjoy
the pleasures that blossom
the tears we share,
storms we both face hand in hand,
racing through madness
fall on our faces,
roll past it and get up again
stare down our demons
celebrate our victories,
regardless of short term misunderstandings ...

if you're willing, I'm able
and we might have a chance,
to realize our dream of forever ...


Anonymous said...

my rainbow you shine in my soul always ,you already given me all the happyness i could wish upon and beauty,so i want to love you always...alisa you are everything to me.richard schorel.

Paradisefor2 said...

and you are my dream come true... always xoxo