for in the gentle caresses of the ocean waves upon the sparkling sand
there exists this undercurrent of passion abiding
until it's appointed time,
the flowers bloom in that far garden
heavenly scents do intoxicate so!
trade winds bring them near
and I am alive again ...
like the whisper of a morning's kiss, the memory lingers
and I would be remiss if for no other reason than
to have one chance to taste this bliss,
so utterly divine a favor
I request and do send,
with wings to mount and fly away
towards that certain paradise that awaits
if only for a moment,
if only for a glimpse
oh! how the sun does shine and smile lovingly
across the land where the promise dwells,
the table is set as the banquet begins
as the universe agrees.
for this melody is so sweet,
and now I know
why angels sing ...