Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Tell Me Why

...thinking about those relationships that didn't work ...

Tell me why the eyes of love are at times
~the last to realize ~
~ the last to fully comprehend ~
~ the last to want to admit ~
That what love sees, has left,
Gazing now at but a mere reflection
Of that noonday sun of times past,
When love was brand new
And you could never get enough,
When being there was all that ever mattered
To the both of you ...

Where did that love go?
So innocent and carefree
One that took endless delights,
~ in a simple smile ~
~ in a good morning hug ~
~ in the quiet, 'I love you' ~

Now, surrounded by denials and clenched teeth
Somber stares out the window,
Hushed tones on the phone late at night,
Vicious venting and hurling accusations,
Watching as you pull away at midnight
A chilly north wind unexpectedly stops my heart
And I cease to exist ...

Tell me why the eyes of love are at times
The last to fully comprehend ...


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