Why not take a chance with me as you had my heart from the very start
We both knew it too, just afraid to say
For the reason that somehow,
In some crazy way it would make us less than we perceived
A fool for love as some may think ...
If I am a fool for love, then let it be!
For we have always known the magic we share,
Just afraid to think or even admit, even to ourselves
Something we've always believed, finally came
To be in the most unusual way, yet who's to say
This cannot be?
Those with flaws of their own?
Dare to condemn this dream?
Dare to stand in the doorway of our destiny?
With their quiver full of doubt and fear
One by one they take careful aim,
With their talk of friendship and love ...
With you I have reached heights only imagined
Gone beyond my wildest dreams and touched them
Everytime we spend, regardless of the context
You reach right through and caress my soul, and
I could stay right here for eternity and live within your smile ...
by: alisajs
[8 July 2006]
The opening verses to this poem are so striking foe they drew me and I could not resist reading the entire poem. The contents of this poem gives an illusion of the persona’s unspoken reflections on love for a lover she sees for the first time (Why not take a chance with me as you had my heart from the very start). In a natural tone of voice with elegance, the persona is portrayed as having a discourse with her self. The imagery of these unspoken reflections are emotionally charged as the persona draws you into such emotional pain and the need to be loved and have the desires of the heart return in full measure. The last stanza is very profound in this romantic soliloquy. One could only wish that true love would come her way so that she would not have to “stay right here for eternity and live within your smile”. This poem provided a compelling read and left me feeling sorry for a love sick classy lady. Thank you for sharing your poetic artistry.
You continue to pour your heart upon these pages in your quest to find the perfect love that seems to always be just outside of your reach, sometimes getting close and then pulled away once again. Your words continue to be full of beauty and emotion. t
even fools reach heights
even imagination can stir adreniline
runnin through the spirit of an eye
leapin offa smile reachin
t stay put right here
... tsvi akiva
a very lovely piece alisa. you have long expressed your willingness to love and be loved in your work, but there is one line in this piece that sumes it all up for me: '...and live within your smile' what a beautiful expression my friend. it says it all. thanks for sharing; jim
Do not worry!
Are you out here?
I always stop in too see!
I hope you are ok!
You do nice poem!
And I never can catch you!
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Nice poem! It was nice to reade for you.
Only one ppoblem you have
Who was it foR?
do up love poem as I have no smile now.
Thanks for the person it is for!
You two enjoy!
God bless
My pining Pacific Poetess sends out another loving S-O-S! I hope your words are not ringing upon deaf ears doll face, this invitation has been extended before. Forget those outsiders darlin', this is between you and the object of your desires! I would club him and drag him back to your hut, tehe.... I really like 'live within your smile'! Hugs/Chris
... MacCyan3@aol.com
Yes girl, 'here for eternity and live within your smile'. What a beautiful line, awesome thought, and oh to be living in a smile like that. Your beauty and soul shine here my sister.... Rene'
beautiful, descriptive and so emotionally charged..this is a beautiful write sweetheart that asks so many questions....sounds like you have answered them...smile...Luv Ya:):)
... lance w toohey
Beautifully Written!! Such wondrous truth to love beyond the negatives of others and reach into the soul of enternal lovers.. Living with a smile!!
othing better then getting lost in someones
smile, Magnificent poem, written with passion that becomes
From knowing how to express feelings into poems.
Impressionable, now for my signature, I am so proud
To put my handle to this great poem
And respect to a fellow artist and poet
(Smile and pass it on, trumby.), my thanks
For you are in my poem called jigsaw.
... trumby
Wow! Very nicely done. You have painted a picture of loving someone only others could only hope for. Great Job.
... rrjspoet
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